Outward Focus
Missional Identity
A healthy church intentionally focuses on loving others outside of the congregation. A healthy church exists for the well-being of others, pouring itself out for the sake of the gospel.
Guiding Scripture Passages
Luke 10:27
“He answered, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Considerations Regarding Your Score
- What percentage of the church budget is dedicated to reaching out? If a healthy church exists to love those outside of the congregation, what percentage of the budget might be appropriately dedicated to doing so?
- If you asked people outside of the congregation what people the church focuses upon, what would they answer?
- How much of the church’s energy should be spent on loving those within? Those outside? Does reality reflect your response?
- How involved is the church in the Serve Globally mission priority? How informed is it about the international projects supported by the denomination (Covenant Kids Congo, Covenant World Relief, Covenant missionaries, etc.) and how is the church supporting those projects?
Resources for Growth
Need assistance?
Get in touch with your church leaders.