Ministry To Children And Youth

Missional Identity




A healthy church provides opportunities for multiple generations, including children and young people. Through age-appropriate worship and discipleship offerings, along with wholesome fellowship and ministry opportunities, families are nurtured in their faith, and their lives are transformed.

Guiding Scripture Passages

Psalm 127:3-5

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.

Considerations Regarding Your Score

  • How often do children and youth participate in worship services?
  • What worship roles could be filled by children and youth? Usher? Greeter? Scripture reader? Announcements? Music ministry? Preaching?
  • What volunteer roles in the church’s ministry and mission could be filled by children/youth?
  • What children and/or youth show the most interest in church and learning about Jesus? How can they be nurtured/mentored in their faith?
  • How does the children and/or youth curriculum use Scripture as a basis for giving practical tools for living in a challenging culture?
  • How well are the church’s children and youth ministries equipping them for evangelism? What could be done better?
  • How often do children and youth from the surrounding neighborhoods participate in the church’s ministries and mission? How can participation be encouraged?

Need assistance?

Get in touch with your church leaders.
