Ministry To Children And Youth
Missional Identity
A healthy church provides opportunities for multiple generations, including children and young people. Through age-appropriate worship and discipleship offerings, along with wholesome fellowship and ministry opportunities, families are nurtured in their faith, and their lives are transformed.
Guiding Scripture Passages
Psalm 127:3-5
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.
Considerations Regarding Your Score
- How often do children and youth participate in worship services?
- What worship roles could be filled by children and youth? Usher? Greeter? Scripture reader? Announcements? Music ministry? Preaching?
- What volunteer roles in the church’s ministry and mission could be filled by children/youth?
- What children and/or youth show the most interest in church and learning about Jesus? How can they be nurtured/mentored in their faith?
- How does the children and/or youth curriculum use Scripture as a basis for giving practical tools for living in a challenging culture?
- How well are the church’s children and youth ministries equipping them for evangelism? What could be done better?
- How often do children and youth from the surrounding neighborhoods participate in the church’s ministries and mission? How can participation be encouraged?
Resources for Growth
- El Pacto con Dios
- Adventures with God Curriculum
- Justice Journey for Kids (English and Spanish versions available)
- Kids Helping Kids
- Grow Kids
- Intergenerational Planning Guide
- Hello Friends
- Curriculum Evaluation Tool
- The Journey
- Rock Solid
- Unite Curriculum
- Shift Curriculum
- Making Churches Safer
Need assistance?
Get in touch with your church leaders.