• Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about your church.

    • 1Our church is compelled by the good news of Jesus Christ to bear witness to Christ in the world.
    • 2Our church is committed to the worship of the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    • 3In our church, we recognize that we are a community called together by Jesus Christ.
    • 4Our church is a place where people relate to one another with honesty and humility.
    • 5I feel that I can honestly share my personal needs or concerns with other people in our church.
    • 6Our church equips me to maintain good boundaries in my relationships.
    • 7Our church teaches me when it is appropriate to share my personal needs or concerns.
    • 8Our church helps me learn how to demonstrate empathy in my relationships.
    • 9In our church, we seek to resolve conflict in a way that demonstrates humility and grace.
    • 10Our church is committed to loving people who are not part of our congregation.
    • 11Our church exists for the sake of others.
    • 12Our church is outward-focused.
    • 13Our church consistently challenges me to love my neighbor in practical ways.
    • 14I experience a deep sense of belonging in this church.
    • 15In our church, there are people who feel like a loving family to me.
    • 16I have deep friendships with other people in our church.
    • 17Our church encourages us to be in life transforming relationships with other people in the congregation.
    • 18I am growing in my faith as a result of my relationships with other people in our church.
    • 19Our church is passionate about serving the community in which we are located.
    • 20Our church is active in serving the local community.
    • 21Our church is deeply committed to the community.
    • 22Our church listens to the needs of the people in the community.
    • 23I regularly hear of people coming to know Jesus Christ through the ministry of our church.
    • 24Our church challenges me to share my faith with others.
    • 25Our church teaches me ways to share my faith with others.
    • 26I feel more comfortable sharing my faith because my church has equipped me.
    • 27In the last five years, our church has considered multiplying through participating in a new missional community, campus, or church plant.
    • 28In the last five years, our church has multiplied through participating in a new missional community, campus, or church plant.
    • 29Our church teaches me how to engage in spiritual disciplines such as Bible reading, prayer, and fasting.
    • 30Our church helps me understand the Scriptures.
    • 31Our church equips me to live out my faith in everyday life.
    • 32As a result of attending our church, I am growing in my relationship with God.
    • 33As a result of attending our church, I am growing in my understanding of God’s love for me.
    • 34As a result of attending our church, I am growing in my love of neighbor.
    • 35As a result of attending our church, I am growing in my willingness to obey what the Bible teaches.
    • 36As a result of attending our church, I am growing in my ability to discern the Spirit’s leading in my life.
    • 37Our church equips me to help others grow in their relationship with God.
    • 38Our worship services regularly remind us that God has a plan to heal our broken world.
    • 39Our worship services inspire me to participate in God’s mission in all my spheres of influence (family, school, work, neighborhood, community, etc.).
    • 40Our church helps new people feel part of the church.
    • 41Any stranger who walked through the doors would feel welcome in our church.
    • 42People who feel broken, despised, or ashamed feel accepted in our church.
    • 43People of different ethnicities and cultures feel welcomed in our church.
    • 44People of all mental, physical, emotional, and social abilities experience belonging in our church.
    • 45People who don’t agree with what we believe will feel accepted in our church.
    • 46Our church regularly gives money to the poor.
    • 47Our church regularly gives money to other individuals and organizations (missionaries, community organizations, the denomination, etc.) for the sake of the gospel.
    • 48Our church is willing and eager to share its resources (money, building, technology, supplies) with others for the sake of the gospel.
    • 49The people in our church are very generous.
    • 50People in our church share what they have with those in need.
    • 51Our church serves the victims of injustice in our community and world.
    • 52Our church addresses systems that perpetuate injustice in our community and world.
    • 53Our church advocates for the poor, marginalized, and oppressed in our community and world.
    • 54Our church encourages me to reflect on ways in which I have contributed to injustice.
    • 55Our church reflects on ways in which we, as a church community, contribute to societal problems.
    • 56Our church teaches about the Christian’s responsibility to engage in works of compassion, mercy, and justice.
    • 57Our church challenges me to engage in works of compassion, mercy, and justice.
    • 58Our church is willing to try new things in order to be more effective in reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ.
    • 59Our church readily embraces new ways of doing ministry.
    • 60Our church takes bold steps of faith to be on-mission with God.
    • 61Our church is innovative, regularly coming up with new ideas for being faithful to God’s mission.
    • 62Our church has a growing understanding of God’s vision for His church as described in the Bible.
    • 63Our church has a clear sense of purpose.
    • 64Our church’s vision or sense of purpose is focused on Jesus and what Jesus loves.
    • 65Our church’s vision or sense of purpose shapes our ministry initiatives.
  • The following section focuses on church leaders. Elected leaders are lay leaders such as elders, council members, or leadership team members. Pastoral leaders are the paid pastors and ministry staff. Unless otherwise indicated, the word “leaders” in the following statements refers to pastors, ministry staff, and elected leaders.
    • 66Our elected leaders (elders, leadership team, council members) are competent.
    • 67Our elected leaders can effectively lead change in our church.
    • 68Our elected leaders have a vibrant walk with Jesus.
    • 69Our pastoral leaders (pastors/ministers) are competent.
    • 70Our pastoral leaders can effectively lead change in our church.
    • 71Our pastoral leaders have a vibrant walk with Jesus.
    • 72Our leaders work to build congregational ownership for major decisions.
    • 73Our leaders demonstrate humble servanthood.
    • 74Our leaders highly value the people of this church.
    • 75In our church, there is a high level of trust between the leaders and the congregation.
    • 76Our leaders prayerfully seek God’s direction for this church.
    • 77Our pastoral leaders regularly take time off work for rest and renewal.
    • 78Our leaders intentionally develop future congregational leaders.
    • 79Our leaders encourage congregation members to use their gifts and skills to serve the church.
    • 80Our leaders empower congregation members to serve in numerous ways.
    • 81Our leaders help me understand my role in participating in our church’s vision or sense of purpose.
    • 82Our leaders invite me to find ways to participate in the church’s vision or sense of purpose using my gifts and skills.
    • 83Our leaders equip me to participate in the church’s vision or sense of purpose using my gifts and skills.
    • 84Our leaders have a regular process of evaluating the church’s ministry in light of its mission and values.
    • 85Our leaders seek congregation members’ input when evaluating the church’s ministry.
    • 86Our leaders seek congregation members’ input when evaluating their own leadership.
    • 87Our leaders communicate well with the congregation.
    • 88Our leaders regularly solicit input from the congregation.
    • 89Our church has clearly defined pathways or opportunities for congregation members to offer their feedback or concerns.
    • 90The policies and procedures that govern our church life support our ability to be effective in ministry.
    • 91The policies and procedures that govern our church are flexible enough to allow us to pursue the mission God has for our church.
    • 92Our church has policies or procedures for holding leaders accountable.
    • 93In this church, we adapt our policies and procedures to fit what we believe to be God’s mission for us.
    • 94In this church, we adapt our facilities to fit what we believe to be God’s mission for us.
  • Children and Youth Ministry

    • 95My church has vibrant children’s and youth ministries.
    • 96The children’s and youth ministries provides age-appropriate Biblical teaching on cultural issues.
    • 97My church encourages children and youth to serve within the ministries of the church.
    • 98My church is passionate about helping children and youth live as followers of Jesus.
    • 99My church includes children and youth in the life of the church in meaningful ways.
    • 100My church equips parents to help their children and youth navigate cultural issues in a Biblical way.
    • 101My church equips parents to help their children and youth live as followers of Jesus.
    • 102People from multiple generations serve together in the ministries of my church.
    • 103Children and youth engage meaningfully in the worship services at my church.
  • Demographic Information

    Please tell us about yourself.

    • 104Which of the following best describes you?
    • 105Are you currently an elected leader in your church?
    • 106Are you currently a pastor or part of the paid ministry staff at your church?
    • 107Are you currently a member at your church?
    • 108How long have you attended your church?
    • 109What is your age?
    • 110How often do you attend worship on average?
    • 111Which of the following best describes you?
    • 112Do you worship with the church online, in person, or both?
    • 113What is your role at the church?
    • 114Are you currently the parent or guardian of a child (birth to 5th grade) or youth (6th to 12th grade) who attends the church?
    • 115Are you currently a volunteer in the children’s or youth ministries in your church? (Y/N)