Clear Purpose
A healthy church has a clear sense of purpose that is focused on Jesus and what Jesus loves. This clear purpose shapes the church’s ministry initiatives. All areas of ministry and mission—budget, worship, outreach, facility usage, staffing, age-specific ministries, fellowship, meeting agendas, etc.—spring from the vision and purpose.
Guiding Scripture Passages
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish…
Considerations Regarding Your Score
- How many people can state your church’s vision or mission statement?
- How strongly does your stated purpose focus on Jesus?
- How recently have you discerned Jesus’ purpose for your church?
- How connected is your budget to your purpose statement?
- How much of your church leadership meetings are spent praying and strategizing how to live into your discerned church purpose?
- How does your vision define ministries and missions in your church?
- How well-known is your church’s vision? In your congregation? In your community?
Need assistance?
Get in touch with your church leaders.