Developing Leaders
In healthy churches, the elected and pastoral leaders develop future congregational leaders by encouraging and empowering them to use their gifts and skills to participate in the church’s vision. There is a regular assessment of the congregation’s spiritual gifts, as well as a process for discovering their skills, passion, and knowledge. Potential leaders are identified through this process and then intentionally developed through a pre-determined process.
Guiding Scripture Passages
Prov. 9:9-10
Give instruction to the wise, and they will become wiser still; teach the righteous and they will gain in learning. 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
Considerations Regarding Your Score
- Looking at your church leadership team, how many members have been developed by the church’s process?
- When did you last assess the spiritual gifts of the congregation, as well as their skills, passion, and knowledge? If recently, how did you follow up with those who showed leadership potential?
- If an assessment has not been done recently, then when can you plan to conduct one?
- What is your process for discerning whom God is raising up for leadership in your congregation?
- Have you ever identified a potential pastor or church planter within your congregation? Do you know how to recognize the characteristics in these roles? Do you know how to connect potential pastors and church planters with the conference and denomination? If not, consider researching whom to contact.
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